Earlier this year I put together a series of four films that all shared some DNA. The connecting thread that ran through all of them was an appreciation or acknowledgment of a particular journey. 

It only occurred to me recently that I never specified that they should be viewed together, as a series, so this is my attempt to rectify that. Viewed in order, there is a story to be decoded and understood.


For the longest time I've wanted a space that I can work from, with everything that I need for my films close to hand. Since I came back from travelling I've worked hard to make that desire a reality and I think I'm just about there.

My brand new fully functioning studio

My brand new fully functioning studio

I knew that I wanted to be based in Sheffield, for a while anyway, so the first port of call that jumped into mind was the amazing CADS. It's a great organisation that's committed to an ethos of affordability, inclusivity and creating spaces that are laid back and multi-functional. It's full of genuinely lovely and really helpful people too.

I had a look around their spaces and found a little room that was somewhere close to my price range. It was a little run down but had good light and a certain charm. Plenty of potential - I'd found my studio. 

My studio before I got my hands on it.

My studio before I got my hands on it.

Over the next few weeks, with the help of my friend Ollie we transformed that room into a functional space that gave me everything I need to make the sort of output I'm passionate about. We had a lot of fun doing the work and improving our DIY skills too - I'm now very very handy with a drill.

We painted walls, put up shelves and filed everything so that I always know where the thing I need lives. The space usage for the room was planned out so that it mixed storage and practicality with versatile free space to shoot against.

I want to be able to meld art, film and romance into a finished article that inspires and encourages people and this is now my base of operations. I can come here and when the door closes I am focused on whatever work is at hand. I think that's vitally important - to have a space where work is the priority.

Since having this place I've completed more work and met more people than I think I managed in the last few years of living in Sheffield. This is a procrastination free zone where ideas are king and nothing is too silly to suggest.

It's not perfect, not just yet, but I have a great overhead shooting space, access to some incredible areas and a collection of tools trinkets and talent that will help me produce pretty much any film. 

One of the important aspects of my work is to mix what some would think of as outdated technology with modern tools to produce unique visuals with definable personality. I like to incorporate stationary and found objects into my work too so that a real hand-made feel and defined perspective is present.

Something I really love about my new home though is that my building is packed full of interesting characters.

I share my floor with a boxing gym and an artist and our building even houses a church! There are art directors and furniture makers and many others so it makes sure that every day is a school day. Always something to learn, always someone to collaborate with. 

Upstairs in my building

Upstairs in my building

Over the next year I want to collaborate with as many companies, artists and makers as possible to produce some work that really has something to say. I want to make honest films and artwork that is unafraid to share a point of view and I want to do everything I can to put some goodness out into the world.

Films and art has always encouraged me to see the best in people and pay attention to the world around me and I hope that I can contribute to that tradition even if it's just in some small way form my little space in Sheffield.

Everything in the studio has a purpose and a use. 

Everything in the studio has a purpose and a use. 

So that's it. I have my own studio and I'm open for business. Let's make some films. If you want to work together or have some ideas you'd like to develop I would love to hear from you. I also love to have people swing by so if you want to pay a visit just get in touch at:



I just got finished watching Adam Wingard's 'The Guest' and I was blown away by it. It's rare to see a film that so perfectly nails a very particular yet unfathomable tone. All of the performances are pitch perfect, the cinematography is crisp and the score is one of the most awesome I've heard in a very long time. With that in mind I was inspired to write a little bit of music that is definitely going to pop up in one of my videos in the future. So happy to have found this film and the inspiration that it provided. You can hear my interpretation of the whole viewing experience below: